Saturday, August 30, 2008

Edukasia oh Edukasia

lately has been very crucial moment for me as Entrepreneur to be.. I'm about to enter the point of no return, its because I'm about to distribute the magazine to the market .. ! Subhanallah! Exactly one year after returning home, I'm finally Launching a mass product! 

Imagining the public respond is intriguing. Will anyone buy my product? How's the market's respond? How's the advertising guy see my Magz? What need to be revised? oh God, whatever it is, I believe I did my best to produce Edukasia.. 

When I knew that I can give you a value from my product, Then I have a RESPONSIBILITY- not an opportunity- to deliver it to you..

1 comment:

Dino said...

I just looked at the edukasia website and I think you have a good business idea.
I hope the market will be able to accept your product.
Good luck on your entrepreneurial journey.
We need more people like you to make Indonesia a better nation.