Firstly, let’s get back to basics. Most people in business will understand how important systems are. Systems are usually responsible for having a business that runs smoothly (and profitably). With systems in place, it’s simply a matter of employing people to run those systems.
Jadi, seketika bisnis berhenti bergerak atau sepertinya roda organisasi berhenti berputar, take a look at the systems within. Lihat seluruh sistem dari yang paling dasar seperti bagaimana produser menjawab telepon yang masuk hingga bagaimana sebuah produk dihasilkan. Jika sistem yang ada tidak terdefinisi dan terkomunikasikan dengan baik, bagaimana bisa diharapkan sistem tersebut bisa dimengerti, apalagi dijalankan? Definisikan, lalu tuliskan dan breakdown it into check list niscaya bisa jauh lebih efisien.
Seketika sistem telah dibentuk dan diketahui, yang perlu dilakukan adalah get the right man in the right place to run those systems. Yet, the real challenge lies ahead; it's not just about a matter of having people who come in, run the system and get the job done. In this stage, what we're looking for is SYNERGY.
Synergy comes from having people who are committed to a ‘common goal’. If people are involved in setting the ‘common goal’, they are generally more likely to commit. If you , as the business owner are dictating to your team ‘this is the goal’, don’t expect much commitment. If your team has ownership, they are much more likely to achieve. Ownership is also very useful when designing and building your systems, let alone setting goals. Keep asking the team this question…’I’m looking for [certain outcome], how do you think we should go about achieving that?’ The successful business owner has team members that say ‘I think we should do like this’. An unsuccessful business owner has team members that say ‘I don’t know, you’re the boss’.
Finally, be aware of what you are teaching your team. By this I mean, if a baby cries and it's mother comes running. What will the baby lean to do after a while? Exactly, let out a cry and in rushes Mum. All I ask is for you to be very aware of what you are teaching your team. If you’re saying to yourself ‘no-one can do it like me’ and you jump in and do it, your team is learning from that.
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